
Clements name is on the Memorial.

Photograph from Buxton Advertiser Saturday April 10th 1915.

Clement Leeke: 90th Field Company, The Royal Engineers joined 9th (Scottish) Division in January 1915 at Bordon. They proceeded to France between the 9th and 12th of May 1915 and went into action in the The Battle of Loos. – See more at:
Born 1881 in Crewe, Cheshire (vol 8a, page 313 O/N/D) 1896, Clement was an apprentice on the Railways in Crewe. 1901 Census he was living at 153 West Street, Coppenhall, Cheshire, still employed on the Railway. 1908 Clement has now moved and is now employed on the Railway in Buxton, Employee Number 4077, he has worked on the Railways for 12 1/2 yrs, his character is fair, and his ability is good. The 1911 Census and Clement is living at 9 Railway Terrace, Lightwood Road a boarder with the Lathem family, employed as a Locomotive Fitter.